Our Services

Home & Community-Based Cognitive Communication Therapy

Practical Rehabilitation Services, LLC specialize in neuro-cognitive rehabilitation, which includes the following disciplines: Speech-Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Rehabilitation Aides.   We work with individuals, their caregivers, and their partners in communication to support independence and insight with the goal to decrease caregiver dependence and achieve the things that matter to them.  Utilizing a personalized approach for each client, we meet you where you are in order to meet your needs.

Our team has developed and will utilize a combination of different strategies to address the chronic communication breakdown that occurs after a neurological setback.  These will include: metacognitive-communication training of personally relevant situations and partner-based intervention strategies.  Our team will identify neurofatigue, causes of distractions, provide cues/prompts (as needed), and provide compensatory strategies to maximize the benefits from error-free learning.  Resources and cognitive rehabilitation are provided to reinforce ongoing education for clients and family/caregivers.  Ongoing skill building, cognitive communication education and counseling are integrated throughout rehabilitation.

Practical Rehabilitation Services, LLC is dedicated with the utmost respect for each individual.  We use consistency, timing, context, and patience to address self-monitoring, social behavior, as well as sustaining focus/attention.  A variety of treatment settings are used to integrate therapy with everyday living situations per the individual’s level of functioning and goals.  Communication and collaboration with all clinical disciplines and external team members serving our clients are incorporated throughout the rehabilitation process.

What’s great about PRS’ rehab… is that they provide training sessions with family members.

– DS

I get into situations where I’m starting to get frustrated
about something, and Vickie will tell me something,
and Amanda always says —trust the ones that love you.

– RS

In the beginning it was very difficult in this household because we had our daughter
that really didn’t want to see him anyway but the way he was before,
so she had a hard time with [her father’s] brain injury.

– VH

It takes a unique person to understand brain injury and to de-escalate situations that may arise.
I mean it’s not Jeff being uncontrollable, or having issues, it’s the brain injury that he can’t control
and people have to learn how to deal with that person.

– VA

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Practical Rehabilitation Services
PO Box 794
Okemos, Michigan 48805

Contact Us

    Practical Rehabilitation Services, LLC | 124 E. Washington St. Ste. C | DeWitt Michigan 48820

    Office hours vary by appointment.